
Evening yoga sequence
Evening yoga sequence

evening yoga sequence
  1. #Evening yoga sequence how to#
  2. #Evening yoga sequence full#

Hands can either be on the floor, dangling, or resting on your lower back.Bring your forehead to the block and rest your third eye directly on top.(If you don’t have a block, allow your torso to hang freely and grab opposite elbows) Grab a yoga block and rest it on the tallest side.Turn to face the long side of your mat and take a 4-foot step (or as wide as feels comfortable for your body).

#Evening yoga sequence how to#

How to Practice Standing Wide Legged Forward Fold:

evening yoga sequence

This posture is not only a great way to stretch your hamstrings before bed it can also be very calming with your head resting on a yoga block.

evening yoga sequence

Whichever variation you choose, try to relax in this posture by continuing to breathe deeply and focusing on the breath.

#Evening yoga sequence full#

To get the full restorative benefit, I recommend using a yoga block to rest your forearms on, or if that is too much of a stretch, you can also place your palms on the block to bring the floor up to meet you. Remain for 3 minutes, and then switch sides.Allow your head to hang heavy and focus on your deep breathing.Drop your back knee down to the mat, and bring both arms inside of your front leg.Step your right foot to the outside of your right hand.Start in Down Dog, or in Table Top position.If you are a runner or sit at a desk all day, this pose is perfect for you (but will feel wonderful for everyone). This yoga pose is a great hip flexor opener. If you don’t have access to these yoga props, you can substitute a thick book and a big pillow – and we’ll also provide tips for practicing certain poses without props. To enjoy the added restorative aspect of this bedtime sequence, you will need: Practice This Restorative Bedtime Yoga Sequence Before You Go to Sleep: You will notice a positive shift in your sleep, but also in your outlook on life as well. Try to meditate while you practice the poses and let your mind stop working for just 25 minutes before bed. In other words, completely relax into each yoga pose and simply focus on your breath. Follow this simple bedtime yoga sequence to slow down the body, the mind, and help you get a better night’s sleep.Īs a yoga instructor, my biggest word of advice is to take the restorative approach when doing these poses. Sympathetic Nervous Systems and How Yoga Affects EachĮvery day, we are faced with new challenges, past worries, and future anxieties that can make it hard to fall asleep. Stop counting sheep! Ease yourself into a restful night with this simple bedtime yoga sequence to help slow down your sympathetic nervous system.

Evening yoga sequence